Friday, June 7, 2024



Written By: LM:

Of the Sports Radio 610 Hosts, Landry Locker was my favorite personality.   Landry is younger than me so I viewed him  as a young whipper snapper but in reality, Landry is old too.

Landry was the one on-air Sports Radio 610 personality that could bridge current pop culture to sports.  I was listening to Seth and Sean's morning show and they couldn't even comprehend Million Dollar Worth of Game.  He's a hood ass white boy from the D,   he is Texas and knew what was going on.  Landry Locker made John Lopez more palatable for fans who thought this guy is a fraud.   Landry and his producer Figgy Fig would bounce ideas off of each other.   It was literally one of the best shows on Sports Radio 610.

Without Landry, I am not sure how Sports Radio 610 remains relevant with black people. This sounds worse than what it is because Sports Radio 610 has a black On Air talent in Ron Hugheley  but that guy is meh.

I am not going to act like me and Landry were boys,  I disagreed with some of his shits.  He came off  as "too cool for school"  but he stood on his points.  I like that!.   

Landry is the one personality that forced me to stop generalizing a whole station based upon what one person said.  

Landry hated the generalizing shit.   In other words,  if Seth or Clint made a comment,  and someone came out and said 610 said that.  L:andry hated that shit.   It was a valid point and made me stop umbrellaing a whole station based upon what one person said.

I do not know what went down with Landry and 610 but Landry is a middle age man approaching forty years of age with a young baby.  Not cool to be out of employment.

I hope he lands but lets stop the bullshit,  he will either be at Sports Talk 790 or ESPN 97.5 by the first NFL Football game.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 Written by LM

I listen to a few Sports Radio 610's shows daily but this shit they are doing right now, is fucking corny.  They are trying to manufacture difference of opinions between shows of what the Texans should do in Free Agency and Draft.  It's so lame and stupid man and what really fucks with me, they are acting as if this shit is legit.

This morning, I heard Sean Pendergast bragging on how the listeners like the back and forth between the show.  

It's lame to me and they have drug this stupid shit out for nearly two weeks. In all honestly, it reminds me of an episode of The Wire when Barksdale's product was trash and they were trying to think of how to keep relevant.


Maybe I was wrong! I actually thought 610 would kill it but they are fabricating content.

I remember back in 2011 when the Texans finally made it to the playoffs and things were looking good, radio was fun.  For nearly 2-3 years,  The mornings, mid day and afternoon shows were eating big.  They didn't have to make FAKE CONTENT.  To be honest the whole city in radio were doing good rating wise.  During those periods,  the lowest ratings I can remember was probably a 3.5 rating.  Currently 3.5 is the highest.

It really feels that these guys at 610 are forcing Texans content instead of letting it happen organically.  They are creating trivial beef between shows.  It's Corny.

Thursday, February 1, 2024


 Written By:  Lamont

Landry Locker hosts Sports Radio 610's Mid Day Show In The Loop.  Landry also runs a Youtube show called The Locker Room.  Landry is a cool dude.  From what I've gathered over the years ,  he's from the Dallas Fort Worth area.   He attended Texas Tech and he's a huge University of Texas fan.

I first heard of Landry when he was a producer for Mike Meltser and Seth Payne's morning show.   He could have been here longer.

Currently, Landry and John Lopez hosts one of the most highly sports radio shows in Houston. Their show is hovering around 3 to 3.5 ratings mark which is not really that good in the 4th largest city and 6th largest media market.  To put this in perspective, markets like Philadelphia and Chicago on the low end is 4 or mid 4's.

Landry is a cool dude.  I believe he's in his late 30s.  He has a tight grasp on Pop Culture and he knows Southern Hip Hop.  I don't recall him acting like a pussy or anything, he's pretty straight up for the most part but I have noticed something about his style.

Hipster: a person who follows the latest trends and fashions in clothing and lifestyle, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.

Contrarian: a person takes contrary opinions or attitude

I am not sure if Landry is a Hipster or Contrarian but he seems to go against all popular opinion. He reminds me of someone! I actually like this to a degree because I'm the same but he takes it to a different level.  It appears, he goes out of his way to disagree with any and everything that's popular.  He comes off like "too cool for school".

Something as simple as Houston Texans coach Demeco Ryans wanting to be surprised about his new baby's gender, most people were like,  that's cool but not Landry.  Landry disagreed with that but here's the kicker,  I believe if Demeco wanted to know his kid's geneder,  Landry would have likely disagreed with that too.

His style of radio is really easy, you can tell where he's going to land by just following Social Media; look at what everyone in unison agrees with.  He will immediately come on-air and go against it.

In all honesty,  he reminds me of Josh Innes but less polished.   Josh was more authentic because he invited people to debate him.  Landry says his shit and stay under the cover on the radio.   That said, his Youtube show is a tad more open for more debate.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Written by:  Lamont Mann

As much as I have bitched about Houston Sports Media, my favorite show of all time was The Blitz.  The Blitz was Fred Faour and AJ Hoffman on 97.5.

When I first learned about these guys, there were two things I remembered.

1.  I was blogging with HMW (Houston Media Watch) so I automatically listened to rip and hate them

2.  I couldn't distinguish one from the other's voice. 

Back when they were in the 12-2p slot, I listened expecting to go in but I was like "these are real dudes".  I listened for a few more weeks and eventually begin interacting with the show, "these guys are solid".

What was really dope about their show, both guys were from Houston Proper.  They were not guys guys Googling Houston history, they were here for it all the bullshit.  Not to mention, Fred is piped into Houston from being born here,  University of Houston alumn,  Houston Chronicle editor.  It was almost like listening to Joe Jackson tell you about the Jackson Five.  Fred was/is the plug.

I quickly begin telling my Twitter (X) Friends about The Blitz.  I was telling all of my friends on Twitter,  these cats are real dudes:

  • they are not Houston fanboys
  • they talk about sexy women 
  • they talk about Television and Movies
  • They love alcohol 
In some weird way,   Fred and AJ became what 1560 The Game tried to brand themselves.  1560 IMO tried to brand themselves Houston and not controlled by Corporate or the Texans.  Organically,  Fred and AJ did it.

AJ and Fered had fun on the air.  They would fuss and fight;  clown callers, texters and tweeters.  AJ and Fred would openly go at other stations by host's names; not any of that pussy "up the dial shit".  If Fred or AJ heard a local media member did some dumb or good shit, they would acknowledge it by name.

Currently,  AJ  is doing his gambling thing and podcast in Las Vegas, Fred is running his podcast in Houston.  Once a week on Thursdays at 4p CST, they work together.  I listen to both guy's work.

I have a sneaky suspicion, these guys will be back together on a much more frequent basis.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 Written by:  Lamont Mann


The industry defines me as a P1 listener,   I like to call myself a radio slut.  I listen to the majority of shows in Houston and I like to rank the hottest.

Currently,  there are three shows killing it.  These are the shows I am vibing with for at least two hours daily.

  • Seth Payne and Sean Pendergast
  • In the Loop (Landry Locker and  John Lopez)
  • Killer Bees (Jeremy Branham and Joel Blank)
There is no order as they are all interchangeable on any given day depending on my mood.

Seth Payne and Sean Pendergast

Seth and Sean are cool guys, but before coming to this arena, you best bring your college syllabus and TI85 calculator.   They are huge nerds.   Seth and Sean comes off as elitist but fun.   Sean is from Notre Dame, Seth is from  Cornell University.  They are both North Eastern guys and sometimes it appears as if they are talking down to dumb hicks but it's not that.

I know the market will not like this but I think they are the "show prep" for the city.   Seth and Sean pretty much sets the guidleines of the day if there is not any breaking news. Usually what they discuss from 6 am will likely be regurgitates throughout  the day on various shows and different stations. 

Both guys are cool and have senses of humor.   At times, they get way too defensive about the Houston Texans. They are overly protective Nick Caserio's moves and they comb the internet for any and everything said about CJ Stroud.  This show is anti callers.  

They rarely take calls.   If you hear one call from them in a week, you have witnessed a unicorn.   I believe they think they are above talking to Houston  but it works because they cherry pick text messages and that's their way of interacting with the public.

Landry Locker and John Lopez - In the Loop

Pound for pound,   In the Loop is the best show on Sports Radio 610.   They will call out everyone including their coworkers and station partners.   Outside of a few other shows in the Houston market, they really incorporate their producer Figgy Fig.   They have been together nearly three years and have real synergy.

In the Loop take calls and interact with the city.  I mean, it's not like they are busting out two-three callers a segment but they interact with the city more than their predecessor.

Of the Sports Radio 610 lineup, they cover the most  college football.   It's not the best coverage but at least they dedicate some time to college.

If there's one negative about In The Loop and I am not even sure this could be a negative, they try to act like they are "too cool for school".  They pretty much go out of their way to disagree with popular opinion on just about anything.   

Overall, it's a solid show.

Jeremy Branham and Joel Blank - Killer Bees

The killer Bees as of now, may be the complete show.  They are playing the hits and they are mad interactive.   Calls, texts, tweets and Twitch.

They do not shy away from disagreements from the fans.  In fact, I think they prefer more fans to disagree with them than agree.  Jeremy is on his shit.  Of all personalities I've interacted with and tried to prove them wrong, he will quickly shot me receipts.

Years ago, I thought Joel was just a Rockets/NBA guy and had no clue about MLB and NFL.  I was wrong, his knowledge of the BIG THREE is solid.  Albeit,  Joel brings another dynamic of being a former NBA employee and he provides incite of how some of the decisions are made in the rooms with the mahogany desks.

One of their flaws as a show in my opinion is "Like I Said".  I am wrong as it's not Jeremy but more Joel who will always let you know "we said this".  You are going to get at least 3 iterations of this per show.  Jeremey on the other hand is an employee of University of Houston.  Jeremy is a broadcaster for the UH Coogs and that's cool but he cannot share his real opinions about shit going on at UH.  Jeremy will freely tell you as he have me, that's my job.


All three shows are killing it right now and if the Texans do what I think they are going to do, this show and others will pop.   Outside of the Texans,  if the Rockets blow big, I believe the Killer Bees is going to be must listen to radio.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


 Written By:  Lamont Mann

If you would have told me went years ago, The NFL Combine or Schedule Release would be a huge televised event, I would have thought you were crazy.

The NFL is a cash cow and they can make money from anything.  I am still baffled by how huge the NFL's schedule release is.  For the most part, the NFL is organized in a way that we know 16 of the 17 teams your team will play. 

A few weeks ago, I was thinking "if something as mundane as schedule release could capture eyes, imagine if the NFL televised Free Agency".

Naturally, some will push back and say it can't be done.  They are wrong, it absolutely could be done.  I believe it can be set up like National College Signing Day.

Have the top Free Agents appear at NFL studio.  Have their family and friends in the audience.  Put them on a dais platform with the contracts in front of them.  When it's their time to select the team, they simply reveal the contract.

The revelation of team could have different variations;  it could be done via contract, caps, jerseys, etc.

As previously stated, I know people will say nawl but we have seen the NFL monetized just about everything.  If the NFL can draw eyes from a schedule release, I am sure they can monetize Free Agency.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 Written by:  Lamont Mann

We are witnessing a society that no longer knows how to function.  Currently, a lot of corporations are trying to be socially aware.  Basically, they want to make the world feel good.  Bullshit,  ultimately they are trying to capture new revenue streams.

A few years ago, some fragile feelings idiot decided to remove the black lady from the Aunt Jemima Syrup label.  The powers that be felt, it was degrading to black people.  Low and behold,  Aunt Jemima's family is upset because their descendant is being erased from history.

Bud Light looked at Aunt Jemima Syrup and literally said "HOLD MY BEER".  Without getting to detail, Bud Light placed a Transgender Woman on a beer can.  For the life of me,  I cannot understand Bud Light's thought process.  Your target consumer is pretty much blue collar men. T he reaction received from this campaign, shouldn't have been a surprise.  It gets better, not only has Bud Light angered their core consumers, the LGBT community is also mad at them for not fully defending the ad after the backlash.

At the end of the day, I think it's absolutely hilarious. A lot of these corporations need to stay in their lane. Read the damn room.  Stop hopping on the latest social trend trying to financially capitalize.  If you are a corporation that's A Political, stay that way.  Once you get involve into this social gumbo, you are not going to win.  

Former NBA Great Michael Jordan was criticized a lot for not being as socially aware some felt he could be.  I am not sure if this is true or not but people said MJ would commonly say white people buy my shoes too.  Some may take offense to that but I look at a person who's saying "I'm staying in my lane and making money".

The irony of it all, basically a real black woman was removed off a bottle of syrup and a fake white woman was placed on a can a beer.  Let that sink

Saturday, May 6, 2023


 Written By:  Lamont Mann

Today,  I was outside reverse searing a tomahawk steak.  Decided to throw on some radio.   CBS Sports Radio had Marc Ryan on their national feed.  I remember Marc, he was in Houston for a short stint.  

What I remembered about this guy.  He was absolute trash.  The dude's voice reminds me of the 80s cartoon character Snaggle Puss.

Currently,  Marc is in the sticks of North Carolina somewhere in the Mountains.  I am not even sure if this clown even has WIFI.

When Marc was in Houston, he was relegated to weekend duties.  Unlike now,  weekend sports radio had just as much of a line up as weekdays.  He was one of the worst and no offense to worst.


I tuned in as he was talking about rookie QBs in the worst situations.  He pretty much talked positive about Bryce Young (Carolina) and Anthony Richardson (Colts).  When it came to CJ Stroud, he pretty much shitted on CJ.  He followed that up by saying he don't believe in CJ and the Texans hired a defensive coach.

In true HOE fashion,  he says "I like Demeco as a person".  These fuckas really get on my nerves trying to act like they know these players and coaches personally to say shit like,  I like them as a person.   Demeco don't know this clown for him to like him as a person.   

Basically,  he is going to shit on Demeco's whole situation then follow it up by saying "I like him as a person".  Fuck out of here cartoon clown.

I have no issues with people having opinions about CJ Stroud;  shit I had thoughts but coming from this dude who was throating CJ Stroud. after the Combine when Carolina jumped up, he's a total phony.

Below is the audio.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Written By.  Lamont Mann


I have no empirical data to prove what I am about say.   Albeit, these are the shows I am currently feeling in Houston.  These are the shows I listen to daily.

Some of these shows overlap so I am double listen.   I like shows who can read the room and not be so obvious.  I also like shows who knows Houston, outside of sports.  One of my biggest metrics,  how do you handle interviews "do you say the same shit to people you would say when they are not there".


For a year or so, I stop listening to In the Loop because they were deep in Jack Easterby's ass.  It felt like every segment was Easterby.  I am not caping for Easterby but the shit got redundant  for me.  Low and behold,  the Texans fired Easterby and In The Loop got back on track.   What I love best about them,   they are equal opportunist shit talkers with interviews.  I love the way Landry Locker and John Lopez jokingly blast John McClain with a lot of elements of truth.

In the loop reads the room.  They know the Texans are the big dick swingers in Houston and they lead with it.  That said,  In The Loop also realizes the Astros are a big deal in Houston and they concentrate on them as well.   What they do not do is force feed some meaningless Rockets crap.

I believe their show is very interactive.

NEGATIVE: They come off like they are too cool for school.  They are highly critical of others and acts if their shit don't stank.

2.  The Wheelhouse

This show had to step in behind one of my favorite shows (AJ Hoffman and Fred Faour, The Bench).  Its one of the only 3 man shows currently on air and I was wondering how this would work, but the guys have crazy chemistry. 

Jake Asman is the point guard,  Cody Stoots is the two guard and Brad Kellner is the "tweener".   These guys are sports nerds, they know sports and sports history.   What's funny about this show for me,  they are young and they know shit about sports I wouldn't expect them to know.

They have fun with their show and what's dope?   When one member is out, it feels like the show doesn't lose a beat, they roll with two.

They take calls and very interactive for the good or bad.

NEGATIVE:   I hear a ton of In the Loop  rhetoric on their show 

3. Payne and Pendergast

I like this show because both personalities are highly intelligent and they are pretty much the prep work for shows in Houston.  I mean,  P&P. sets the tone and this is pretty much what most shows will follow throughout the day.   Surprise,  you learned Houston Radio prep Work,  Listen to Seth and Sean.  Isn't it weird that both of these guys have a S&P initials?  This show is very cerebral; at times I feel you have to have gone to college, watch porn, watch TV and work a job in the AM to get it.

Truth be told,   P&P could be 1 or 2 because they give me everything I need but their Negatives bump them down


  • too much laughter, it feels like the laughs are forced/fake
  • slobbering Nick Caserio or making excuses  or some explanation for him 
  • Hardly if any calls, they are pretty much text messages in terms of interactiveness.  You are in fourth largest city soon to be the third and you guys don't interact with the fans verbally?

4. Patrick Creighton

This is easy,   I like Patrick because he's honest.  Patrick has an "in your face" brut force style.  He is not afraid to shoot slugs at his peers.   In terms of Houston Sports,  I believe as far as radio personalities, he's the most real. Patrick has a whole lot of sport's history and he gets pop culture and if he doesn't, he welcomes people in who do.

Very Interactive Show


This is kind of crazy with the Astros being ass kickers for 5-6 years, but I feel he's too Astros.   Pat talk acronyms and numbers way too much for my ears in Houston.

5. John Granato and Lance Zeirlein

I like these guys because they are legacy radio.  I know them!  This is what I have grown up with over the years.  They have fun and they know Houston "in and out".   They crack jokes and have fun.   This is the type of radio I love.

Typically,  I tune in The Bench at the second segment because their monologue is going to be some shit I don't want to hear  but I'm a glutton for punishment so I pull them up.


1.  I feel they go out of their way not to speak the obvious headlines
2. It feels like they go out of there way to try not to talk Texans and I believe it's because they come from 610 and the Texans are affiliated with them


There are other shows I like but currently,  these are my top 5 Weekday Radio Shows.  I really feel with the Texans and Rockets acting like they are normal, we may see some more decent programming.  I think a few stations will beef up the weekends.

Sunday, March 26, 2023



Written by: Lamont Mann

  • Black Biker Week Myrtle Beach
  • Black Biker Week Dayton Beach
  • Kappa Beach Party
  • Essence Festival
  • Texas Relays
  • Greek Fest Virginia Beach
  • Freak Nik Atlanta 

Over the Spring Break, my son and his friends went to Black Biker Week in Daytona Florida.  Recently he showed me pictures of his trip  and it took me back to a time when I use to go to these events.

I was fourteen years old when I first attended the Kappa Beach Party in Galveston, TX.  My sister (Tausha) was 18 and she was with her dope dealer boyfriend and their friends.  Obviously, I couldn't do all the shit they were into but I did get to see a lot of "eye candy".  What was interesting about this particular time,  it was one of the few times I actually seen Greeks or any Devine 9 in attendance at the Kappa.  As I got older, I noticed, it was less Greeks at the Kappa and more hood niggas.

When I was 18 in the military stationed in Norfolk, VA, me and my friends drove down to Atlanta Freak Nic 95.  Had a blast!  As I said earlier, I was stationed in Norfolk so we definitely attended Greek Fest in Virginia Beach.  When I was a teen - early twenties, I hit up all of those events.

Twenty years later, I ask myself "Why were/are all of these black events and festivals were primarily in the South?"

New York, Philly, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago or any Non Southern Cities have events that draw blacks from across the country like the South.

I wondered,  if this was because most blacks are concentrated in the South.  Seems like that would make sense but how do you explain all of the blacks from all over the country coming to attend.

Then I begin to wonder if it's because of the southern climate.   The south is event friendly in the Spring/Summer but you have the possibility of storms.

I also pondered if it's Cost of Living thing.  Maybe it's cheaper to put on big events in the south versus  other regions.

I really do not know the answer, it could be a combination of all but it was something I noticed after mixing it up with my son.