Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Written By.  Lamont Mann


I have no empirical data to prove what I am about say.   Albeit, these are the shows I am currently feeling in Houston.  These are the shows I listen to daily.

Some of these shows overlap so I am double listen.   I like shows who can read the room and not be so obvious.  I also like shows who knows Houston, outside of sports.  One of my biggest metrics,  how do you handle interviews "do you say the same shit to people you would say when they are not there".


For a year or so, I stop listening to In the Loop because they were deep in Jack Easterby's ass.  It felt like every segment was Easterby.  I am not caping for Easterby but the shit got redundant  for me.  Low and behold,  the Texans fired Easterby and In The Loop got back on track.   What I love best about them,   they are equal opportunist shit talkers with interviews.  I love the way Landry Locker and John Lopez jokingly blast John McClain with a lot of elements of truth.

In the loop reads the room.  They know the Texans are the big dick swingers in Houston and they lead with it.  That said,  In The Loop also realizes the Astros are a big deal in Houston and they concentrate on them as well.   What they do not do is force feed some meaningless Rockets crap.

I believe their show is very interactive.

NEGATIVE: They come off like they are too cool for school.  They are highly critical of others and acts if their shit don't stank.

2.  The Wheelhouse

This show had to step in behind one of my favorite shows (AJ Hoffman and Fred Faour, The Bench).  Its one of the only 3 man shows currently on air and I was wondering how this would work, but the guys have crazy chemistry. 

Jake Asman is the point guard,  Cody Stoots is the two guard and Brad Kellner is the "tweener".   These guys are sports nerds, they know sports and sports history.   What's funny about this show for me,  they are young and they know shit about sports I wouldn't expect them to know.

They have fun with their show and what's dope?   When one member is out, it feels like the show doesn't lose a beat, they roll with two.

They take calls and very interactive for the good or bad.

NEGATIVE:   I hear a ton of In the Loop  rhetoric on their show 

3. Payne and Pendergast

I like this show because both personalities are highly intelligent and they are pretty much the prep work for shows in Houston.  I mean,  P&P. sets the tone and this is pretty much what most shows will follow throughout the day.   Surprise,  you learned Houston Radio prep Work,  Listen to Seth and Sean.  Isn't it weird that both of these guys have a S&P initials?  This show is very cerebral; at times I feel you have to have gone to college, watch porn, watch TV and work a job in the AM to get it.

Truth be told,   P&P could be 1 or 2 because they give me everything I need but their Negatives bump them down


  • too much laughter, it feels like the laughs are forced/fake
  • slobbering Nick Caserio or making excuses  or some explanation for him 
  • Hardly if any calls, they are pretty much text messages in terms of interactiveness.  You are in fourth largest city soon to be the third and you guys don't interact with the fans verbally?

4. Patrick Creighton

This is easy,   I like Patrick because he's honest.  Patrick has an "in your face" brut force style.  He is not afraid to shoot slugs at his peers.   In terms of Houston Sports,  I believe as far as radio personalities, he's the most real. Patrick has a whole lot of sport's history and he gets pop culture and if he doesn't, he welcomes people in who do.

Very Interactive Show


This is kind of crazy with the Astros being ass kickers for 5-6 years, but I feel he's too Astros.   Pat talk acronyms and numbers way too much for my ears in Houston.

5. John Granato and Lance Zeirlein

I like these guys because they are legacy radio.  I know them!  This is what I have grown up with over the years.  They have fun and they know Houston "in and out".   They crack jokes and have fun.   This is the type of radio I love.

Typically,  I tune in The Bench at the second segment because their monologue is going to be some shit I don't want to hear  but I'm a glutton for punishment so I pull them up.


1.  I feel they go out of their way not to speak the obvious headlines
2. It feels like they go out of there way to try not to talk Texans and I believe it's because they come from 610 and the Texans are affiliated with them


There are other shows I like but currently,  these are my top 5 Weekday Radio Shows.  I really feel with the Texans and Rockets acting like they are normal, we may see some more decent programming.  I think a few stations will beef up the weekends.

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