Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The WheelHouse or 610's House?

 Written By: LM

If you do not know Cody Stoots, Jake Asman, and Brad Kellner (The WheelHouse) replaced The Blitz then you are not a local radiohead.  When ESPN975 announced they were going in a new directions with the station,  The WheelHouse was the definition.

The Rundown

After the show was announced, I said I would give them at least 4-5 weeks before giving an analysis.  It has damn near been 2 months, so here we are.

A few of my friends were turned off by the name of the show and I can understand because I don't like c cheesy sport show names especially the ones related to sports; i thought the Blitz was corny.

If you are a sports nerd/junky, this is the show for you.  Jake, Brad and Cody are all sports. Shit,  of the 12 segments of their three hour show, 12 segments are all sports; there's no stuff.  They give the Astros and Texans (who are live right now) much attention and I don't see that stopping when the Rockets spring into action next week.

If you are a person who loves other stuff mixed with your sports, this is not the show for you.  Their segments are dominated by a Local/National sport's topic and they will throw in some banter within but all of their segments appear to be defined by sports like Sports Radio 610.

What I will say about the WheelHouse that's not Sports Radio 610 , they do not repeat topics every hour.  In other words if you listen to SR610, you only need to listen to 3-4 segments and they will repeat the same ole shit, these guys typically have 9-10 different topics during a show.  It's a good thing and a bad thing.  Good, because ole heads like me don't want to hear the same shit; Bad because topics are not allowed to breath once you have moved on to another topic.  Let me explain,  TWH can get into a heated topic for a segment that will have the lines, Twitch, Text Messages buzzing but now they have moved on to another topic and the feedback falls flat at that point.


I am not sure what's going on with local radio, but some of them seem to be afraid of Twitter and they primarily rely on callers and text messages.  Yes, you are not in 2007, I said text messages.  Text message is a medium where Personalities can pick and choose what shit they want to acknowledge on air and it's usually some bullshit where fans agree with them or some ignorant crap they can blast.  Twitter is a medium where people can see both parties interact therefore you you get context, grammar, tone etc but these guys don't fuck with Twitter like that.

I like the show but I don't think they care about knowing their fanbase, it appears they much rather crack jokes amongst each other.  We are in the meat of sports now but it will be very interesting to see how this is going play out from May-August.


In terms of the caliber of interviews these dudes are pulling, they are the champs.  I believe they miss on some question with the people they have on but they have them on.  In two months, TWH has probably knocked down five WTF interviews.


It's a good show but I think they are too sports. It's like Sports Radio 610 on meth.  Certain shows/personalities can pull it off like Charlie Pallilo and Patrick Creighton but some can't.  All three of the guys are very cool, Jake is the Point Guard, Cody is the Houston Area Historian, and Brad is the Wild Frat Boy.  What really fucks me up with TWH, I rarely hear them say 713.780.3776.

No, I am not trying to recreate the BLITZ or no other Nostalgia show but I hope they reevaluate some shits.  It's cool to borrow elements from SR610 but also realize a lot of people don't like that SR610 shit.

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