Friday, July 5, 2019

Kawhi Leonard is normal, the media are the weird ones

Written by: LM

Currently, we are in the thick of NBA Free Agency.  Players are picking and choosing their teams.  They are chasing money like most of would be doing.

Disclaimer, I am not completely up to speed on the NBA but I know enough to follow the game.  I use to the follow the NBA hard but in the last five years, I let it go.

Since the NBA Finals, the talk is about where certain free agents would land.  During this period, I've heard many in the media voice how weird, odd, and "out there"  Kawhi Leonard is.

It peaked my enterest, is the dude a flat earther, tree hugger, smoking dope in a hotel lobby playing Madden or is he bouncing around in baby diapers screaming mommy.  I decided to research Kawhi and one of the only things I could find was an abnormal laugh.

It appears, since Kawhi laughs funny, drove an older vehicle as a professional athlete,  and decided to keep his mouth close, he's an odd person.

If you ask me, the media are the weirdos, their appetite for a story has made them look at a normal person as odd.   The media only wants a story and they want it now and if it does not happen on their timeline, it's time to ridicule.

Kawhi is not odd; he seems like a regular guy to me.  The media vultures are the weird ones.  All of our lives, we've learned not to make fast decisions, way out your options or get some outside opinions but now that has changed.

The media does not give a mother fuck about Kawhi well being, they just need a summer story to talk about.   Take as long as you need Kawhi.

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